Kyle’s Story of his road to incarceration Prison Culture When I was living my life on the outside, coming to prison was the furthest thing on my mind, even though I was living a life that would inevitably lead to my incarceration. And the one aspect that would have helped me transition and better acclimate … read more
Prison System
Waiting and Decision Making
The Mental Competency Process On December 24, 2009, 24-year old Victor Carrero ran into two people on the corner of Central and Jefferson Avenues in Brooklyn. He proceeded to knock one of them to the ground, stabbing them in their head and shoulder before running away. Al Jazeera America reported that Carrero was later charged … read more
Fiscal Mismanagement, Natural Disasters Push Puerto Rico’s Prison System to the Brink
Fiscal mismanagement by Puerto Rico’s government, followed by a pair of devastating natural disasters in Hurricanes Irma and Maria have pushed the island’s prisons to the brink. A debt crisis, exacerbated by FEMA shortfalls and bills passed by the US congress, continues to impact living conditions for inmates, and any kind of prison reform.
Prisoner Education Offers a Way Out
The power of education programs for prisoners is illustrated by the story of Juan Lopez, a teacher in Argentine prisons, and contrasted with the struggle to fund and implement consistent prison education in America.
Prisoner Reintegration: Lessons From Norway
Norway’s focus on successful prisoner reentry to society, rather than solely punishment results in dramatically better outcomes for everyone. Improved public safety, world’s lowest recidivism rates, higher rates of employment on release are just a few of the beneficial lessons America can learn from Norway’s success.
Privatization in the Incarceration System
Given the incarceration epidemic in our nation, it is critical to be cognizant of the stark difference between a public and private prison. Let’s start with public prisons, since this is where 92 percent of inmates are kept. Public prisons are non-profit prisons owned and operated by the state and federal governments. In public prisons, … read more