Prisoner name is “RL”.
“I am a 52 year old man that has been drawing since childhood. My first real attempt at something significant was at the age of around seven years old, which was of my father who had recently passed away. I loved my daddy and wanted to do the best that I possibly could with his portrait. To me, it turned out great. I was really proud of myself and a bit surprised, to be honest. I could actually draw, and I wanted to show everyone.
That portrait of my father sparked a drive within me that has grown stronger throughout my life, pushing me to continuously learn and better my artistic abilities. I took an art class in junior high school one year, hoping to learn more, but unfortunately, they taught me nothing about drawing. Frustrated, I never attempted to take another art class. I wanted to go to college for art, but it apparently wasn't in the cards for me. So I was left to learn on my own.
It wasn't until my mid-20's that I was able to make some money with my art abilities, when, out of desperation for bill money, I attempted to teach myself to letter (with paint and a brush) storefronts and signs from job to job that I was able to get. I even painted the logos for the businesses, creating them for some. A few hired me to do wall murals for them. I had gotten pretty good through it all, making some good money, but life interfered, throwing obstacles in my way, ending the small bit of success I had been achieving. I was led in a different direction, away from the god-given abilities that he had blessed me with.
It was 2006 when I was locked up when I pursued drawing again. My inspiration had been gone for many years, so when I found it again, it felt great. It's just a shame that my life had to be taken from me in order to find it. Ever since, I've devoted every moment that I can to my artwork, using my time to become the best artist that I'm able to be. God gave me an awesome gift, and I'm trying to use it now to put smiles within the hearts, and upon the faces of those who view my work.”