You have discovered Impartial’s SHOP.
Impartial is a non-profit that enriches community engagement by showcasing the artwork of formerly and currently incarcerated artists. These creators may use unique materials like coffee, vegetable juice, and cardboard to craft each piece. Each artist has their own story of struggle, resilience, and hope. As you dive into their artwork, you may feel a connection to the artists’ journeys and their use of art as a therapeutic outlet.
Impartial offers our own branded merchandise too.
Each purchase may support these artists and/or criminal justice non-profits and advance the broader mission of fostering a fair and rehabilitative criminal justice system. (Some artists donate their artwork.)
From logoed T-shirts to canvases with poignant artworks, every item you buy is not only useful or decorates your space but strengthens a community advocating for justice and second chances. This isn’t just shopping; it’s an act of support and solidarity with those striving to make a positive impact despite their past.
Please watch the video below for additional information about how Impartial works with prison artists on creating merchandise.